HALCO Software Systems Ltd.: SAWSIM® Sawmill Simulation Program Example
20' 2-line dimension sawmill: lumber volumes in board feet, log volumes in cubic feet.
Comparision of sawing for maximum value with sawing for maximum lumber volume
Table of Contents Description
Sawlog Counts by Diameter, Cross-tabbed by Length Class
Sawlog counts for each diameter and length class, for each program run.
Sawlog Length Percentages by Diameter, Cross-tabbed by Length Class
Sawlog counts for each diameter and length class, for each program run.
Note that the body of the report contains length percentages for each diameter class.
Sawmill Summary Statisics
Summary of sawmill statistics for each program run.
Sawmill Product Yields
Yields of lumber, chips and other byproducts, and total blocks sawn, for each program run.
Sawmill Machine Usages
Sawmill machine passes, times and costs for each program run.
Sawmill Rough Lumber Productions
Piece counts and volumes of each rough lumber size, length and rough grade, for each program run.
Sawmill Rough Lumber Productions: Cross-tabbed by Length
Volumes and percentages of each rough lumber size and length, for each program run.
Note that the body of the report contains length percentages for each size.
Sawmill Finished Lumber Productions
Piece counts and volumes of each finished lumber size, length and grade, for each program run.
Sawmill Finished Lumber Productions: Cross-tabbed by Length
Volumes and percentages of each finished lumber size and length, for each program run.
Note that the body of the report contains length percentages for each size.
Sawmill Finished Lumber Productions: Cross-tabbed by Grade
Volumes and percentages of each finished lumber size and grade, for each program run.
Note that the body of the report contains grade percentages for each size.
Sawmill Lumber Productions
Total piece counts, volumes and revenues of each finished lumber size and length, for each program run.